Saturday, April 28, 2007

Prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of. Discuss.

I strongly agree that prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of. Prejudice is the preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. People often judge others by appearance, then form critical judgments in their minds and more often than not, stereotyping occurs and these are usually negative views of others, thus giving rise to prejudice.

There are many forms of prejudice and the most common form of prejudice is racism. Just because of the difference in skin colors for some, they are being discriminated and given unfair treatment. This is especially so in the USA, where the Blacks are often seen as the more likely criminals. The Whites on the other hand, are often seen as the civilized and law-abiding citizens. However, statistics have proven that actually, 97 percent of the crimes in USA are committed intra-racially. Even so, the people in the United States did not change their perceptions. This is because the idea of the Blacks being the bad guys is lodged so strongly in their heads already, and this is exactly why prejudice can never be removed completely.

Parents will always reinforce the idea that the certain parties are always the bad guys. One example would be that we will always associate terrorists with Muslims due to the September 11 incident. Thus children grow up with that specific mindset that some parties are just the bad guys. It will be hard to change their thinking as they have spent so many years accepting these ideas. Furthermore, they would have been taught that their parents are always right so they will accept those ideas of prejudice readily. These children will also reinforce these ideas to their own children and this then becomes a never ending cycle. Hence, prejudice can never be gotten rid of.


Blogger eStHeR tAn said...

hi huikiow,

just want to clarify. You mentioned that 97% of the crimes in USA were committed intra-racially. It may have proven that attacks from the Blacks to the Whites is mostly of a hear-say, but can it actually that crimes from the Blacks were lower than that of the Whites and that the negative views of the Blacks were just stereotyping?


May 13, 2007 at 8:10 PM  
Blogger Huiwen said...

oops I didn't know that we have to do both the prejudice and the youtube question, so I kind of did the prejudice question at the last minute :x

Haha okay back to your entry, sounds very philosophical to me! I feel that you have structured your answer into a relatively good organisation with the first paragraph narrating the causes of prejudice and so on.. So I actually felt quite comfortable and happy when I was reading your entry. :]

You also managed to integrate some examples(Blacks versus Whites) to support your main idea, that's good. At the end, you reinforced the fact that prejudice is passed down from generations to generations, haha I have that too!

May 17, 2007 at 7:09 PM  

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